tag: AEJMC Political Communication Interest Group: Mass Communication and Society CFP: Symposium on Entertainment Media and Politics

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mass Communication and Society CFP: Symposium on Entertainment Media and Politics

Mass Communication & Society
Call for Papers
Symposium: Entertainment Media and Politics
Guest Editor: R. Lance Holbert, The Ohio State University

A wide range of studies encompassing a variety of epistemological frameworks have been published on the topic of entertainment media and politics. There exists a critical mass of scholars who are devoting much effort to provide new understanding on a myriad of roles played by entertainment media in various political processes. Now that a sufficient level of scholarly activity has been generated, this area of research is at a pivotal moment in its evolution. While much knowledge has been obtained, several crucial issues remain that must be addressed in order to advance this mass communication sub-field. One, there is a lack of organizational power. Various research projects tend to focus on a single media outlet and often in relation to unique communication processes. As a result, it is difficult to gain a sense of how any one study functions alongside other works to produce a deeper understanding of political entertainment media. Two, there has been no systematic effort to explicate "political entertainment media." What types of media content fall within the bounds of this area of study? How might the boundaries of this concept be shifting with the new media environment (e.g., rise of user-generated content)? Three, there is strong work being conducted by empirical and critical-cultural scholars alike on the same types of political entertainment media, but there has been little effort to link these seemingly disparate areas of research. How might we go about building stronger ties? Four, no strong theoretical foundations have emerged to define this area of study. There is a need for theoretical diversity, but there is also much to be gained from building theoretically-grounded lines of research conducted by multiple researchers with different research agendas. If more cogent lines of research are to emerge, which theories might best serve this area of study?

Mass Communication & Society invites submissions for a special issue devoted to a symposium on entertainment media and politics. A wide range of research questions, theories, and methodologies are welcome, and the submission of research conducted outside of the United States is highly encouraged. Individual submissions may focus on a single political entertainment media outlet, but works of this kind should also speak to broader theoretical concerns (i.e., lack of organizational power, defining the boundaries of political entertainment media, bridging epistemological divides, lack of theory). Manuscripts focused on the 2012 American election cycle are also welcome, but submissions of this kind should attend to a broader set of theoretical concerns that step beyond the influence of specific media outlets at a single moment in time.
Deadline for submissions

Manuscripts are to be submitted by September 30, 2013 via the Mass Communication and Society online system athttp://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/mcas following the standard journal submission procedures. Authors should note in their cover letters that the submission is for the Entertainment Media and Politics Symposium. Final publication will be in Volume 17 (2014). In addition to the electronic submission process, please send one hard copy of each submission to: R. Lance Holbert, School of Communication, The Ohio State University, 3016 Derby Hall, 154 N. Oval Mall, Columbus OH 43210. Any questions concerning this call for papers can be directed to R. Lance Holbert, holbert.27@osu.edu614-247-7644 (office).


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