tag: AEJMC Political Communication Interest Group: 2014 Lynda Lee Kaid Outstanding Published Paper in Political Communication Award

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2014 Lynda Lee Kaid Outstanding Published Paper in Political Communication Award

PCIG announces the Lynda Lee Kaid Outstanding Published Paper in Political Communication  Award. This award recognizes outstanding work in political communication done by a faculty member at any academic institution in the U.S. The award also honors the memory of Lynda Lee Kaid and her significant contributions to the field of political communication research. The award comes with a cash prize of $100.


The work must be completed and published between January and December 2014; the piece must address an important and current topic in political communication. The faculty member must be affiliated with a U.S. higher education institution. The nominations will be reviewed by a committee formed of PCIG officers. 


Nominate a faculty member by sending the name of the person you'd like to nominate, their affiliation, the paper, and the publishing information (journal, publishing outlet, etc.) to Amy Becker by email at abbecker@loyola.edu. Include a short paragraph explaining why the work should receive the award. Firm deadline for nominations is April 1, 2015

1 comment:

  1. This is a great resource to share with friends and family as well as corporate business partners. Thanks for taking the time to put this together.
