tag: AEJMC Political Communication Interest Group: Updated Call for Panel Proposals for PCIG for AEJMC 2012 Chicago

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Updated Call for Panel Proposals for PCIG for AEJMC 2012 Chicago

Call for panels
Political Communication Interest Group (AEJMC)

The political communication interest group of AEJMC is inviting panel proposals for the 2012 AEJMC conference. We are seeking teaching, research and PF&R panels. The panel can be either a pre-conference or a conference panel. We especially welcome co-sponsored panels.

Panels should focus on a specific topic within political communications and can include such topics as diversity, social media, elections, public opinion, political journalism, political advertising, etc.

If you would like to submit a panel proposal, please follow the following steps:
Send us a one-page proposal with the following information:
            -Panel title and description.
            -Panel type (teaching, research or PF&R).
            -Panel sponsors (divisions within AEJMC).

-Abstract about the panel (a paragraph describing the key issues or subject matter).
            -List of proposed panelists including affiliation.
            -Contact information for the organizer(s) of the panel, including email and phone.

Please make sure that all proposed panelists are planning to attend the AEJMC conference in Chicago.

All proposals are due on Oct 2nd and should be mailed to gjgolan@syr.edu
Please email me if you have any questions or need more information about proposing a panel.

Guy J. Golan
PCIG Vice-head and Program Chair
Twitter @guygolan


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